openModeller  Version 1.4.0
RemoteRaster Member List
This is the complete list of members for RemoteRaster, including all inherited members.
_writeData(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream)RemoteRaster [private, static]
calcMinMax(int band=0)GdalRaster
celX() const Raster [inline]
celY() const Raster [inline]
createRaster(const std::string &str, int categ=0)RemoteRaster [virtual]
createRaster(const std::string &str, const MapFormat &format)RemoteRaster [virtual]
CreateRasterCallback()RemoteRaster [static]
deleteRaster()RemoteRaster [virtual]
dimX() const Raster [inline]
dimY() const Raster [inline]
f_fileRaster [protected]
f_hdrRaster [protected]
f_scalefactorRaster [protected]
finish()RemoteRaster [virtual]
GdalRaster()GdalRaster [inline]
get(Coord x, Coord y, Scalar *val)GdalRaster [virtual]
getExtentInStandardCs(Coord *xmin, Coord *ymin, Coord *xmax, Coord *ymax)GdalRaster [virtual]
getMinMax(Scalar *min, Scalar *max)GdalRaster [virtual]
hasCustomGeotransform()GdalRaster [inline, virtual]
hasMinMax()Raster [inline]
header()Raster [inline]
iget(int x, int y, Scalar *val)GdalRaster
iput(int x, int y, Scalar val)GdalRaster
isCategorical() const Raster [inline]
isFromRejectedSource(const std::string &str)RemoteRaster [static]
noVal() const Raster [inline]
numBand() const Raster [inline]
operator=(const RemoteRaster &)RemoteRaster [private]
put(Coord x, Coord y, Scalar val)RemoteRaster [virtual]
put(Coord x, Coord y)RemoteRaster [virtual]
Raster()Raster [inline, protected]
RemoteRaster()RemoteRaster [inline]
RemoteRaster(const RemoteRaster &)RemoteRaster [private]
setMinMax(Scalar min, Scalar max)Raster
xMax() const Raster [inline]
xMin() const Raster [inline]
yMax() const Raster [inline]
yMin() const Raster [inline]
~Raster()Raster [virtual]